Trivia Games

I am sure you must have heard about trivia game. Man has been playing games for as long as he started cultivating lands and settled down. Trivial literally means insignificant and the games based on trivial questions are called trivia games. One of the most famous examples is Trivial Pursuit.     

The games are based on multiple choice questions with increasing level of difficulty, a player can choose a category like sports, science etc. before the game begins. Some of the games are dedicated to one category with several subcategories. A player is awarded points for correct answers and sometimes points are deducted for wrong answers.

In today’s world we have high paying jobs that come with a lot of extra baggage of stress, hypertension. Playing a trivia games can prove to be great stress busters to those of us who have to spend hours applying their mind and using their creativity. Answering few questions that are not the part of your daily diet is a vital exercise for your tired brain. All you need to do is pick your phone and download any trivia game you like and start playing it.     

Since the game is based on insignificant information it is really fun to play trivia games. They come in all sizes and varieties ranging from books to board games, radio to TV shows, played in bars to restaurants and clubs. You are a food lover no problem you can play a game based on food or international cuisines. A sports fan can hook up online with his friends and start playing quiz on football. In conclusion you can find people playing a trivia game just anywhere in the world. With the invention of internet and mobile it is even easier to play games remotely without leaving the comfort of your couch.

Although some of us still love the older version, the most popular version of trivia game is the one with four multiple choice answers. Although some hardcore trivia fans like to answer the question without being able to choose between existing answers, this version is getting popular among the masses from all over the world. With the help of computers and internet the flow of information keeps flowing uninterrupted providing abundant raw material for trivia games. Interactive graphics and user interfaces make it even attractive and intuitive to play such games.



Instant win!

There are four colored award cards. Four special questions in each game will award a color card. If a player gets all four award cards in one game they are declared the instant winner

Impossible Questions!

You will find out about these during gameplay. Rest assured, they are named IMPoSsIBlE QuESTionS for a reason.

Thanks for playing - enjoy!